Tommy Walcott's mundane existence takes an exhilarating twist when renowned actor Andy Samberg extends an invitation for him to step into a luxurious limousine. Within this unexpected encounter lies an opportunity for Tommy to potentially secure a million-dollar prize in a reality TV show hosted on the dark web. However, the show's premise involves a perilous challenge where assassins from various corners of the globe strive to eliminate him over a span of 30 days. The twist? Tommy's survival hinges on never being completely alone, prompting him to assemble an unconventional team to aid him in his quest for survival.
Jake Johnson is known for his comedic talent. He gained popularity after playing the character Nick Miller on the Fox sitcom New Girl. Since then, he has starred alongside Tom Cruise in The Mummy, Chris Pratt in the Jurassic World franchise, and lent his voice to Peter B. Parker in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and Across the Spider-Verse. In addition to his acting career, Johnson has also written several films such as Digging for Fire, Win It All, and Ride the Eagle. You can watch all latest hollywood films online only on Afdah without facing any issues.
Now, he takes on a new role as a director with his debut film Self Reliance. This movie may not be what you expect from Johnson, but it is definitely worth watching. It combines heartfelt storytelling with a touch of surrealism, creating a unique and enjoyable experience. While Self Reliance does have its flaws, they are evident from the beginning. However, it still manages to offer a lighter version of David Fincher's The Game. Overall, Self Reliance showcases Johnson's potential as a filmmaker and leaves us excited for what he has in store for the future.
Self Reliance kicks off with a montage showcasing the mundane daily routine of Tommy Walcott, reminiscent of the opening scene in the Tom Hanks film Joe Versus The Volcano. Tommy, stuck in a mediocre job and back living with his mother, much to the annoyance of his sisters, grapples with the reasons behind his breakup with his ex-girlfriend. One fateful day, while on his way to work, a limousine pulls up and introduces Andy Samberg, who invites Tommy inside and reads scripted lines from an enigmatic company.
Suddenly, Tommy finds himself thrust into a game show that is being streamed on the dark web, where hunters from all over the world attempt to hunt him down and kill him within thirty days. However, Tommy discovers a loophole - the hunters can only harm him if he is alone. This realization prompts him to take a gamble and go for the prize money. In a matter of days, Tommy enlists the help of his family members as a safety net, despite their initial skepticism about the authenticity of the game show. Tommy even goes to the extent of hiring a homeless man named James to accompany him day and night. Self Reliance starts off on a lighthearted and comedic note.